Center table with oranges

The nail causes besides scare away mosquitoes, impregnate our stay a very special smell.
Moreover, thanks to this little spice, clove can give a nice color and design with orange … and you can stick it in many different ways.

1361 Center table with oranges furniture

And if, you like to decorate your home with aromatic candles and candle holders, you better make them yourself with readily available materials and completely natural.
With this new and innovative technique you can get an ideal decorative candle the main room, living room or bedroom, making a very pleasant atmosphere.
To do this we need orange candles, scents, wicks and paraffin. Now the first thing to do is empty the oranges, making a cut on the top and with a spoon carefully remove the filling without the rind of the orange peel off.
Then put the wax to melt at about 70 ° C and add the freshener, well once melted add the oranges carefully touch up the edges. Add in the center of the wick paraffin. Let dry for a few minutes and go have ready your design scented candles in oranges.
The individually can place on a table or in a group in a bowl and decorated with other fruits and place them in the living room.
As you see it is very simple to do .. You can even make a cute set it on a table and you need.
Make the design that you like, just some nails .. orange you can decorate each differently.
I hope you enjoy this fantastic idea!

Center table with oranges

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